20 Moments of Argie Paleomarketing

For the past 4 years I’ve been sharing old argentine advertising campaigns on Twitter, with the meme “Moment of argie paleomarketing brought to you by akosma™®©”. The jingles and slogans (mostly from the 80’s) would pop up in my head at any random moment, and would always be followed by chuckles, sarcasm, puzzled looks and sometimes even hatred from my argie followers.

But I realized that I’ve done that 20 times since 2009! To celebrate this milestone (?) here goes the complete list with the links to the original tweets. Enjoy!

Yoooo coltal tolta!

Dánica dorada, Dánica dorada, era para untar, era para untar!

Coma manzaaana!

Neeeegro negro negro, blaaaanco blanco blanco!

A condensed moment of argie paleomarketing on YouTube!

Arrolla la seeed… Paso de los Torooos

Koh-I-Noor: poderoso el chiquití­n!

Que pan dulce, Pamela!

You know when you’ve been tango’ed

Bardahl, bardahl, bardahl.…

Zeta… nnnoventaicinco

Hitachi, que bien se T.V.

Piense Fuerte. Piense Ford.

Grundig: caro, pero el mejor

Si es Bayer, es bueno

Arroz Gallo: el de la caja, amariiiiiilla!

Cepita, la sana costumbre, Cepitaaaa!

Como estoy?!?!? Uhhh!!!

Shampoo Valet, para la caspa: esto es verdad

Pan, pan pan, pan pan es de Sacaan / pan, pan pan, Sacaan es el buen pan

And one more, from my Instagram this time: