I have just created a project page for the BirthdayCard Project. This was an experimental project for me, to test the combination of several open-source and proprietary technologies such as
- wxWidgets
- SQLite
- CppUnit
- Doxygen
- Eclipse
- Visual Studio
- Xcode
- ISO C++
The final result is a small utility that you can use to store birthdays for people you know and care about. You can add as many people as you wish, and for each person, as many dates as needed. It has a layered architecture, in such a way that the underlying “business” classes (namely Person and Date) are reusable in another application (my idea was to add a command line app to show this, but I will do it in a later step). The code is portable, and was tested with 3 different compilers (3 GCC versions, and Microsoft’s Visual Studio .NET 2004 one).
Here’s a screenshot of BirthdayCard, running on Mac OS X Tiger:
More screenshots in other operating systems:
I have provided binaries for Mac and Ubuntu (only PowerPC binaries, sorry) and Windows. There is a bundled SQLite database file that contains 950 people, and 2 dates for each person. All in all, it took me 2 weeks to develop the thing, mostly on evenings and weekends.
I have placed the code in the public domain, so that everyone can use it and do what they want with it. The project can be opened with several IDEs, and the code is completely documented for your reading pleasure. Feel free to use this as a template for your own wxWidgets applications, and as always, I am not responsible of anything that could happen while using this software! Use it under your own responsibility, learn & teach, and be kind to each other.
In a future article I will post more comments about what I’ve learnt while creating BirthdayCard.