Blow Your Mind

Take a careful look at this:

#include <iostream>

class Gadget
    void sayHello() const
        std::cout << "Gadget!" << std::endl;

class Widget
    void sayHello() const
        std::cout << "Widget!" << std::endl;

template <class T>
class OpNewCreator
    T* create()
        std::cout << "Using 'new': ";
        return new T;

template <class T>
class MallocCreator
    T* create()
        std::cout << "Using 'malloc': ";
        void* buf = std::malloc(sizeof(T));
        if (!buf) return 0;
        return new(buf) T;

template <class T, class B>
class Creator : public T<B>
    void exec()
        B* obj = this->create();
        delete obj;

typedef Creator<MallocCreator, Widget> Manager;

int main (int argc, char * const argv[])
    Manager obj;
    return 0;

Try changing MallocCreator by OpNewCreator and Widget by Gadget in the typedef of line 57, recompile and run; of course you can provide default values, so that

template <class T = MallocCreator, class B = Widget>
class Creator : public T<B>

so that you just do

typedef Creator<>; Manager;

I’ve just started reading “Modern C++ Design” by Andrei Alexandrescu and I’ve already my head spinning out of orbit. This is amazing (and by giving a quick look at the rest of the book, there’s even more incredible stuff there)!