Dezeen Watchstore Web App

Another day of announcements at akosma software: this time, a fruitful and fun collaboration with Zerofee to create a dynamic visual identity for the Dezeen Watchstore, and their Dezeen Watchstore iPhone & iPad Web Application (best viewed with Safari on iOS, iPhone & iPad!).

Dezeen is an online magazine, one of the most popular and influential architecture and design blogs on the Internet. It has been included in Time magazine’s Design 100 list of the most influential forces in global design, and in Design Week magazine’s Hot 50 list of key figures in design.

Their online watch store will be launched soon, and in the meantime the Zerofee team came up with a brilliant idea: a timeless, innovative, non-traditional clock, built using JavaScript, CSS, and the Raphaƫl JavaScript library.

The clock (explained in the figure below) features different circles, representing the current month, hour, minute and second of the day. The circle representing the hours does a complete circle ever 24 hours, instead of the typical 12 hours required. The circle representing the seconds grows and disappears every minute.

One of the greatest advantages of iOS web applications is that you can bypass the App Store review process altogether! So feel free to point your iOS browser to and install the application in your home screen. Enjoy and share it with your friends!

Update, 2024-04-12: You can see the Dezeen Watchstore web app in action right here (earlier version featuring a 12-hour “hand” and no month display):

Update, 2024-12-20: I’ve rewritten the code using the latest JavaScript APIs available, including <canvas> and more. Check it out!