Exporting Hugo to PDF

Hugo is fantastic but it misses one key functionality: the generation of PDF files. This article provides a possible solution for it using Podman, Pandoc, and a custom tool built in Rust.

The Rust project is called lister and is available in GitLab for you to use and extend. It contains a small utility called lister that does only one thing: it lists all Hugo source files in Markdown format and returns a list of files by ascending publication date. This means that the tool opens each file, reads the date: parameter on top, and uses that information to order the files.

Container Image

The container image is available at registry.gitlab.com/akosma/lister:1.7. The Dockerfile below shows how it’s built, with a 2-step process, first building the Rust executable, and then creating an image with Pandoc, TeX Live with XeTeX, Poppler, git-restore-mtime1, and some other tools.

# Step 1: build Rust tool
FROM docker.io/library/rust:alpine as builder
RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache openssl-dev musl-dev

# Compile dependencies
RUN USER=root cargo new --bin lister
WORKDIR ./lister
COPY ./Cargo.lock ./Cargo.lock
COPY ./Cargo.toml ./Cargo.toml
RUN cargo build --release

# Compile the app itself
RUN rm src/*.rs
RUN rm ./target/release/deps/lister*
ADD src ./src
ADD fixtures ./fixtures
RUN cargo test
RUN cargo build --release

# Step 2: runtime image
FROM docker.io/pandoc/core:
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt update && apt install -y texlive texlive-xetex \
     poppler-utils make git-restore-mtime curl unzip
WORKDIR /build
COPY --from=builder /lister/target/release/lister /usr/local/bin/lister

The compilation of Rust code can be quite long. This is why the Dockerfile is built in such a way that, when used in your own laptop, the dependencies will only be downloaded once and cached. This speeds up the process of debugging and creation until you’re ready to ship, wink wink.


Here’s the Makefile that drives the creation of those PDFs using the lister container image:

PODMAN := podman run --rm --volume "$${PWD}":/build
IMAGE_LISTER := registry.gitlab.com/akosma/lister:1.7
PANDOC ?= $(PODMAN) --entrypoint "pandoc" $(IMAGE_LISTER)
PDFUNITE ?= $(PODMAN) --entrypoint "pdfunite" $(IMAGE_LISTER)
LISTER ?= $(PODMAN) --entrypoint "lister" $(IMAGE_LISTER)
SOURCES := $(shell $(LISTER) content/posts)
OBJECTS := $(SOURCES:content/posts/%/index.md=build/pdf/%.pdf)

.PHONY: all
all: fullpdf

.PHONY: clean
	rm -rf build

.PHONY: debug
	@echo $(SOURCES)

.PHONY: fullpdf
fullpdf: build/pdf build/pdf/_full_website_archive.pdf

	mkdir -p build/pdf

build/pdf/%.pdf: content/posts/%/index.md
	$(PANDOC) --write=pdf --pdf-engine=xelatex \
		--variable=papersize:a4 --variable=links-as-notes \
		--variable=mainfont:DejaVuSans \
		--variable=monofont:DejaVuSansMono \
		--resource-path=$$(dirname $<) --out=$@ $< 2> /dev/null

build/pdf/_full_website_archive.pdf: $(OBJECTS)
	@echo "Building _full_website_archive.pdf"
	@$(PDFUNITE) scripts/pdf_cover.pdf $^ $@

The make debug command shows the contents of the SOURCES variable, with the list of Markdown files ordered by publication date, excluding those in the future.

If the source file of this article is located in the path content/posts (as is the case with Hugo) you can use this Makefile as follows:

$ make build/pdf/exporting-hugo-to-pdf.pdf

The important thing in the Makefile above is that the PDF files will be regenerated only if their corresponding Markdown file was updated. The filename of the PDF file will automatically correspond to the slug of its source article.

Finally, we concatenate all PDF files into a single one called _full_website_archive.pdf using the pdfunite tool of the Poppler package2. I added a pdf_cover.pdf file made with LibreOffice just for the sake of completeness.

To show the product of these scripts in action, you can download the PDF version of this article. The file features links as footnotes, images, links, formatting, and respects the source code highlighting of the code snippets.

Update, 2024-11-22: I’ve moved the pandoc installation out of the lister image into its own container project, appropriately called Pandoc. This container image also contains TeX installed, which I’m using for other purposes as well.

  1. The git-restore-mtime tool is there to reuse the Makefile in a CI/CD pipeline, for example GitLab, avoiding the rebuilding of all files by first setting the dates of files (used by make to keep track of things) to that of their last modification. ↩︎

  2. At the time of this writing, the final PDF file, including all of the articles in this blog, takes around 30 minutes to build on my 2019 ThinkPad Lenovo X1 Carbon, and has… almost 1800 pages! ↩︎