Introducing the Henri Dès iPhone App: La Radio HD!

We are extremely happy to announce the immediate availability of the Henri Dès iPhone application on the App Store. This is the result of a collaboration with our dear friends Fabien and Sena from We Studio Lausanne, and is a mobile frontend for the Radio Henri Dès website, also created by We Studio.

This application streams more than 250 songs in high definition, without ads or interruptions, non-stop 24/7! It also provides quick access to the songs by Henri Dès in your iOS device, and shortcuts to buy more from the iTunes store.

Henri Dès is a Swiss singer and songwriter immensely popular with children in francophone countries. He represented Switzerland in the 1970 Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Retour”, earning the fourth position. Publishing since 1977 under his own label, Marie-Josée Productions, he has written, recorded and released 25 records, and has toured extensively in Switzerland, France, Belgium and Canada.

We are very happy, please go and check it out on the App Store!