Learning OpenShift on Linkedin Learning

I’m very happy to announce that my new training called “Learning OpenShift” is now available to subscribers at LinkedIn Learning!

This has been a new experience, supported by the team behind this world-class learning platform called LinkedIn Learning. I hope that the final result will be useful to students interested in learning more about OpenShift, the unique and powerful Kubernetes platform created by Red Hat.

The course is supported by a GitHub repository containing all the source code shown during the course.

I would like to thank Courtney Allen, Simon St. Laurent (with whom I had already had the opportunity and pleasure to work when I wrote my two books for O’Reilly), and in particular my coordinator Minyan He for the support during the creation of this training.

For the curious among you, the process from first contact (a private message to Simon after he published a call for teachers on LinkedIn last November) until publication (last Monday) took around 11 months. After proposing a description and title for the course, I had to submit a sample video, to be evaluated by the editorial team, which I did early in December. My course was greenlit shortly before Christmas! I started the preparation of the scripts in February, then the visuals in May, and finally recorded the episode draft videos at the end of June. Minyan provided feedback during each step of the process. The team at LinkedIn remastered the contents adding nicer visuals, animations, and better sound, and they published the final product last Monday evening.

Simultaneously to this release, I’m introducing The OpenShift Guide, a website + ebook I created while preparing this course, to be used as support for those interested in OpenShift. The contents of the website (generated with my beloved Antora) can be downloaded as a convenient ebook in PDF, EPUB, or man page formats.