Notes written while Swift was being released to the world.
Tuesday 3 June 2014, writing my first app:
- At the moment of this writing there is no support for “class” (or “static”) variables (although it seems to work with structs) which makes singletons almost impossible to write
- No optional methods for protocols (only for Objective-C protocols)
- Important point: the standard library. The types defined there are not the same as those from Foundation; the Foundation types can be used very easily, though.
- No need to import files; all symbols are automatically available from every other file in the application.
- “nil” can be used with value types, like Int and others (when optional, that is)
- Type names start with uppercase, always
- In the current version (first Beta after the WWDC) the first parameter of a function call must not have a parameter named specified; all the others must have a parameter name. Apparently it’s a bug.
- Use the “as” keyword to force a return value to have a certain type. This information is used by the compiler. The variable type is not taken into account in some cases (useful in case of assignment of an instance of a subclass to a variable typed as its superclass)
- Array is the same as String[] (syntactic sugar)
- Functions are closures Xcode > Build Settings > Enable Strict Checking of objc_msgSend Calls = Yes
Wednesday 4 June 2014, watching the 1st WWDC video (session 402) about the language:
- The standard library is included by default
- Semicolons are optional
- Safe, modern, powerful
- var for variables, let for constants
- String, Double, Int, Bool
- Immutability / const by default -> preferred -> this allows the language to be optimized in multicore environments
- Type inference makes (in most cases) the type definition useless
- Unicode names for variables, including emoji
- String is a Unicode compliant implementation
- Looks like a C-String
- Can be used everywhere an NSString is required
- All the NSString API is available in native Swift strings
- for character in “mouse” -> including full Unicode compatibility
- “+” can be used to concatenate strings
- “printf” -> let result = “(a) times (b) is (a * b)”
- cannot “+” another string to a constant (var strings are mutable)
- Array and Dictionary
- Can be used just like NSArray or NSDictionary
- Can be created with literals, just like in Objective-C
- Keys and values can be anything, value or object
- Collections are typed
- var names: String[] = [“boom”, “bam”] -> the typed is inferred from the assignment
- Typed collection are safe, enforced by the compiler and the IDE
- Loops -> while, for, for in.
- For loops can have ranges “1…5” with three dots between the bounds (bounds are included)
- But “0..5” (with two dots) does not include the 5
- Can “for in” with dictionaries, which uses “for (key, value) in dict { … } “
- Modifying arrays
- The += operator can be used to add one or many (using another array) objects to an array
- “array[0…5] = …” can be used to replace lots of objects at once
- Optionals
- Indicated with question marks. It means that a type might contain something OR nil.
- Nil can be used with values
- The exclamation mark is an “unwrap” operator, to force the value out
- The exclamation mark triggers an assertion if the value stored is nil
- Better and safe: “if let obj = optional {…} “
- If statements don’t require parenthesis
- But they do require curly braces
- Switch statements do not fallback -> break statement not required.
- Don’t need to “case” numbers only, but also strings and objects
- Case statements can match multiple values in a single case
- Switch statements MUST be exhaustive: they MUST have a case for every possible value; you can use a “default” keyword for “the other values”
- Cases can match against a range
- println
- defined in the standard library
- Functions
- Use the func keyword
- Default values: func sayHello(name: String = “World”) {…}
- Return types specified using “->” and the type
- Tuples
- Can return multiple values using a tuple: (3.70, 3.25, 6.7) or (404, “Not Found”)
- Not a replacement for complex types or collections
- let (statusCode, message) = (200, “Success”)
- The tuple is (Int, String)
- Used when enumerating dictionaries
- Values in tuples can be named: (code: Int, message: String) -> let status = tuple -> tuple.code, tuple.message
- Closures
- Blocks like in Objective-C
- Type of a void/void closure is “() -> ()”
- Functions are named closures
- Can be passed as parameters
- If the closure is the last parameter, it can be passed outside of the parenthesis as a “trailing closure”
- Classes
- Don’t need to import .h files (no header files)
- Swift does not have a universal base class; can use any Objective-C class if required
- variable declarations in classes become properties
- Ivars and properties are the same
- Stored properties and computed properties, using a “get” keyword with a block inside returning a value, similar to C# (the “get” is not really required if the variable is readonly)
- Instantiation like Python, no “new” keyword
- Dot syntax for properties and methods
- All members are public
- “init()” is the initialiser of the class
- super.init() required
- No return
- “override” keyword to override a property in a subclass -> type safety
- Property observers using a “willSet” or “didSet” observer on the overridden properties; that code is in-place KVO code executed automatically
- In methods “self.” is optional when referring to properties, can be used to avoid confusion
- Structures
- “struct” keyword
- Can have custom initialisers
- Can have computed properties
- Can have methods
- Struct vs Class; differences?
- Struct cannot inherit
- Structs are passed as value (copy,) class instances as reference
- Constants and variables:
- Constants to a class instance can be used to change the properties of the referred object, but I cannot change the reference itself
- Constants to structs are immutable, and this includes the properties of the struct. The whole struct values are immutable too
- Hence, to mutate a structure on a method YOU HAVE TO USE the “mutating” keyword in front of the method declaration
- Enumerations
- .toRaw() method returns the raw integer value of an enumeration
- Enumerations can be based on other raw values, like strings
- Sometimes, no underlying raw value at all
- can use the “.Value” to change enum variables
- Enumerations with associated values
- enum TrainStatus { case OnTime, case Delayed(Int) }
- status = .Delayed(10)
- enums can have initializers and computed properties
- Type nesting
- A class can define its own internal enums
- Extensions
- Like a category in Objective-C
- Any named type, including value types, in any framework
- Generics
- Works for classes and structs
- Similar syntax as in Java or C#
“@Catfish_Man @siracusa Swift doesn’t dispatch through objc_msgSend() unless you inherit from NSObject or mark @objc. It’s pretty crazy.”
Every iOS/OS X dev conference talk for the next ten years is going to have Swift code with the poop emoji as a variable name.
Seems odd that Swift is still using @ prefixes for certain keywords (such as at the lazy modifier) - does anyone know why that is?
Most perplexing feedback on Swift: folks who see it (and judge it) as the end of a trek - but don’t realize it is the start of a new world.
Looking forward to next month: I’ll be the first and only guy with 4 years of swift programming experience :-)
Thursday 5 June 2014: Notes from session 406, “Integrating Swift with Objective-C”
- Swift and Objective-C are both first-class citizens in Cocoa
- Xcode creates a “bridging header” when adding a Swift class to an Objective-C project
- It also generates a generated header that allows the inverse operation
The .swift Icon is the “Crazy Ones” text now. 😊 (via @blunckalex)
Of course Swift supports hashbang scripts, you can immediately execute a swift script with “xcrun swift -i”.
Observations while creating sb2code:
- Port of nib2objc to Swift
- Can generate Swift, ObjC (classic with setters, modern with @properties,) C# (Xamarin) and maybe more later.
- New architecture that allows to read OSX storyboards and generate AppKit code
- Unfortunately the compiler chokes over the large number of classes (there’s one handler class per managed object on the Storyboard)
- Swift can return a “class” object from any class using the “.self” property, and this object is of type “.Type”
- For example: “var type: String.Type = String.self”
- Command-line tool at the moment does not have access to the command-line arguments (so far at least) so I’m using NSProcessInfo instead (as suggested by a question on
- I had to create the bridging header manually to import an NSString category manually into Swift (see above picture,) but it did work.
- At the moment you cannot call sscanf (or other C standard libraries) directly from Swift, so you can use a bridging header for that wrapping on Objective-C.
Friday 6 June 2014: Intermediate (403) and advanced (404) Swift sessions in WWDC
- Argument names and parameter names can be different in the class or function definition
- Argument names can be avoided using the underscore as an argument name in the definition
- sort() is a function that returns an array. Array.sort() does not return a new array; it just orders the current one in place. This means that you cannot change Array.sort().filter().map()… etc because Array.sort() returns Void.
- Variables must be initialised in init() prior to calling super.init() -> this is to ensure object initialisation before calling virtual methods, similar to what C++ does
- Use @lazy in front of a property to create a lazy-loading property; its value will only be loaded when required the first time.
- Special protocols the compiler knows about: LogicValue, Printable, Sequence, IntegerLiteralConvertible…
- “Printable” protocol has a “description” read-only property
- Operator overloading using the @infix keyword
- Method overloading is possible, to receive different value types
- “Any” is an “empty protocol” and it throws away type information. Generics conserve type information, providing performance and type safety
- Trailing closure syntax (when closures are the last argument) brings memories of Ruby blocks
- Generics can be applied to classes, functions, closures, structs…
- The “Sequence” protocol is required to objects used in “for…in” enumerations
- Protocols let you hook into the core language elements Swift model:
- Swift is statically compiled, with a small runtime
- Transparent interaction with C and ObjC
- Can deploy to previous versions of iOS and OS X
- Predictable compilation, no JIT or GC
- Efficient: native code, no abstraction, bare-to-the-metal
- During compilation, Swift analyses the code and optimises it
- Structs have no runtime penalty
- Int and Float are structs
- Generic specialisation “can” happen, but it’s not mandatory as in C++; some code can run in generic mode at runtime
- Dynamic method calls at compile-time: if Swift knows that there aren’t subclasses, or if you use the @final keyword
That’s one very strong statement: Swift is a protocol based language. (heard in session 404, minute 51)
In swift, “==” is compiled to [object1 isEqualTo:object2]. Something Cocoa developers have been begging for. “===” behaves as “==” in C.
Swift web view tutorial video:
Swift performance tip: compile your code in -Ofast mode to remove runtime safety checks. Your code will run much faster.
Safety and immutability are preferred, but Swift has UnsafePointer, malloc(), and mutability for the times you still need or want them