Mobile Application Training in South Africa

The next two weeks I will be giving an extensive set of mobile application trainings in South Africa, organized jointly by immedia and akosma software!

Have you always wanted to learn how to create a mobile app? Looked at Evernote and thought, “Hey, I can do that!” We have embarked on an exciting training initiative aimed at providing South African businesses and individuals with the skills they need to become global app creators.

Courses will be held in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Durban, and will be provided by Anice Hassim, head strategist of immedia; Kishyr Ramdial, specialist cloud and mobile app developer; and myself.

There are courses targeted at app developers, dev beginners, and executives – to ensure that you learn exactly what you need to from our programme.

Check out the complete program here: http:</http:>; there are still some places left, hurry up!