Notitas is available at an App Store near you! Notitas means “small notes” in Spanish, and it’s the fourth iPhone application under the akosma brand, and the first based on an original idea of my dear wife!
As the name implies, it’s a simple and easy way to create, keep and find notes in your iPhone, with some bonus: geographical awareness, so that each note remembers where it was created; the ability to publish notes in Twitter (for the moment, only if you have Twitterriffic installed in your iPhone) and send them via e-mail, too. I’m particularly happy of the Twitter integration (which prompted a whole article in this blog) so that I can use Notitas a lot as a “draft Twitter” client.
I’m already preparing version 1.1 with TwitterFon + Tweetie support, as well as a German localization thanks to Sophie from Sophiestication! Stay tuned for more goodies :)
PS: oh, and while you’re using Notitas, try shaking the board a bit and you’ll see what happens ;)