Retrospective 2011

2011 was another terrific year for akosma software, a year of growth, surprise, learning, teaching, and travel. We met fantastic new people on the road and we would like to thank all of our friends, our customers, the readers of this blog, our followers on Twitter, Facebook, Github, LinkedIn and countless other networks for their support and feedback throughout the year! May all of you have a healthy and happy 2012.

And now let us share with you some highlights of 2012!


akosma software has established in 2011 a solid and successful training business, in the domains of iOS and mobile web applications:

The result of these efforts were an incredible suite of apps created by some of our students, and now available on the App Store:

  • Sudokulus by Pieter Muller, an incredible application that allows us to quickly solve sudoku puzzles!
  • TroisXRien by Vincent Zeller, a very nice app to teach maths to children!


2011 was, without any doubt, the year of the conference; not only have we participated in lots of them as speakers, we could also be the host of an incredible mobile track and even co-organized one in Zürich!

Consulting and Development

This year we strengthtened our collaboration with clients, providing development and consulting services to industry leaders in Switzerland and abroad:

  • We started a long and fruitful collaboration with immedia, a leading provider of mobile application development services in South Africa, by providing them with strategy and development consulting services.
  • We extended the swissinfo iPad application into a universal iOS application, featuring an iPhone application too!
  • The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies asked us for help in the definition of the mobile technologies for a humanitarian project, which consisted in an extensive report.
  • We helped the local protestant church, the Eglise évangélique réformée du Canton de Vaud, to create their brand new mobile application, built using Sencha Touch and PhoneGap.
  • We worked with many other customers who have explicitly asked us to remain anonymous, but we thank them for their trust and their business! We are proud and happy to have worked with them.


Our apps also received some update love in 2011! We provided new versions of all of our iOS applications on the App Store, in many cases introducing the long-awaited iPad versions:

On the Press

This year we have increased our presence in the media, showcasing our ideas and our opinion on the world of technology:

Other news

But that’s not all! 2011 brought lots of surprises and announcements:

And What About Next Year?

2012 is already filled up with new exciting projects coming up!

But that’s not all!

  • Great new projects already in preparation, to be announced soon!
  • More trainings in Switzerland, both for iOS and the mobile web.
  • …and much, much more!

Stay tuned as usual, and be very happy in 2012!