
I am a big WordPress fan. And I do not suffer from the NIH syndrome. So when I had to build a site for my company, the choice of WordPress was a natural one. I’ve been using it for Open Kosmaczewski (my personal blog now) for over 3 years, and I must say that it impresses every day a bit more.

For those wondering what’s behind the hood in this new WordPress blog, this blog / site displays the Basic Maths theme for WordPress, designed by Khoi Vinh & Allan Cole (to all RSS subscribers out there: I recommend taking a look at their theme. It’s simply beautiful).

As for the plugins, here’s the full list, and I use a lot of them, indeed:

Kudos to all the WordPress plugin developer community! There’s really an astounding amount of high quality plugins out there. Amazing stuff.

Finally, and somewhat related and unrelated with WordPress at the same time, I’ve also become a keen user of MarsEdit, which I am using to write articles for my both blogs. I don’t know why I haven’t bought a copy of this brilliant software before. If you’re any serious about blogging, get your copy of MarsEdit now (disclaimer: I’m not affiliated with Red Sweater Software LLC in any way, I’m just a very, very happy customer).