Containers for Non-Technical Readers With Podman DesktopA decade ago, when containers were the hot new thing in town, learning about them required lots of command typing on the terminal. These days, thanks to tools like Podman Desktop, the task is oh so much simpler than ever. In this article we’re going to learn some common container technology concepts, using the visual user interface of Podman Desktop to help us during the process.
Word 5.5 on DOSBoxContinuing with my exploration of old versions of Word in various platforms, I wanted to experience one of the last versions of Microsoft Word for DOS, Word 5.5. Here are the instructions to run it on any platform that supports DOSBox Staging.
Word 5.1a and Excel 4 for Mac on Basilisk III’ve been using some famous versions of Microsoft apps lately, of the “pre-Office” era: Word 5.1a and Excel 4, which were both running on the Macs available to students at the high school I attended in Geneva around 1993. This article provides the instructions for you to do the same with Basilisk II.
Mini vMac on FedoraMini vMac is a very common “Classic Mac OS” emulator, and this article contains the instructions required to get it running on Fedora 41.
WFH in 1998The heated “Work from Home” debate of 2024 brought me back memories of my first programming job, when I joined a small “dotcom” startup in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, and for the first few months of my employment I quite literally worked from home… in 1998.
20 Years BloggingOn Saturday, November 6th, 2004, I wrote the text what would become my first blog post. It’s in Spanish, and I wrote it on my beloved iBook G3 near a boarding gate at the Ezeiza International Airport, after having spent a long month in Buenos Aires visiting family and friends.
32 Years of PC ConfigurationsI’ve been keeping track of the various characteristics of personal computers I’ve owned during the past 32 years, and here’s a table comparing those data points.
Notes From "Thinking Fast and Slow"These are some quotes I took while reading “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Nobel Memorial Prize winner Daniel Kahneman, who passed away earlier this year.
Ancestors from Geneva and BeyondI’ve already written about my grandmother Herta, about one of my Polish ancestors in the 16th century, and about how my four grandparents arrived to Buenos Aires at various points of the early 20th century. Now it’s time to learn about some great-great-grandparents from the side of my maternal grandfather.
How to Install OS/2 Warp 3 and 4 on VirtualBox30 years ago I bought a copy of the recently released IBM OS/2 Warp 3 operating system, and I used it in the primary partition of my computer for a while, until around 1997, when I sold my 486 PC and moved back to Argentina.