Tag "architecture"

Back to Monoliths

So Amazon Prime Video (of all people!) published a blog post about how they’re returning to monoliths, relayed by DHH, generating lots of noise, to the point that even Dr. Werner Vogels himself, CTO at Amazon, had to pour some thoughts about the subject.

Microservices or Not? Your Team Has Already Decided

Let’s take a somewhat tangential approach to the subject of the Microservices architecture. Most discussions about it are centered around technological aspects; which language to choose, how to create the most RESTful services, which service mesh is the most performant, etc.

Removing Singletons

Problem: your code has a big badass manager class with a singleton interface, and you would like to have more flexible, testable code.

A Proposed Architecture for Network-Bound iOS Apps

One of my most popular answers in StackOverflow is the one I gave to the following question: “What is the best architecture for an iOS application that makes many network requests?

Design by Contract

Even if Design by Contract is a trademark (Eiffel Software, 2007) the idea behind it is the more general one of “defensive programming”.

Inversion of Control, Ruby and Rails

Next week I will be in Belgium working with the Thales team in Brussels, building a new software solution (for a customer of the public sector that I cannot disclose here) using the following technologies:

About code and eggs - excuse me?

The purpose of this article is to show that the current trends in software development owe a lot to ancient mindsets, and that some good old Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) programming constructs are no longer accepted in modern business development scenarios.

Cours Sur Architecture De Software

Hier j’ai eu l’opportunité de donner un cours sur Architecture de Software à mes collègues de Thales.

About Software Architectures and the IEEE 1471 Standard

Looking for information on the topic of Software Architecture, I came accross the IEEE 1471 Standard, the “IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of a Software-Intensive System”.