Tagged "boring languages"

Stockholm Syndrome in Software

Developers working for a particular vendor tend to develop a bizarre version of Stockholm syndrome. It’s something I’ve witnessed at least twice in my career.

What Objective-C 3.0 Could Have Been

In a parallel universe, in a parallel WWDC 2014, instead of Swift, developers got Objective-C 3.0, and this is what it would have looked like. It’s the same parallel universe where Russia doesn’t annex Crimea, by the way.

The Languages That Bend Your Mind

Many programming languages have been sold to unsuspecting software developers with enticing descriptions, promising “transformative experiences” that “irrevocably alter their way of thinking” and other ethereal descriptions, seemingly belonging to other categories of products, such as yoga classes, religions, drugs, progressive rock albums, or role playing games.

D, or What Go May Have Been

In my quest to learn more and more programming languages, I recently dipped my toes into the D Programming Language. My reaction to it involves sadness; on the positive side of things, the language is undeniably brilliant.

Crystal is a Surprise

I blogged about Dart a few weeks ago, and I said it was refreshingly boring. I am probably late to the party, but I discovered Crystal recently, and it is not only boring but also surprising in many delicious ways.

Dart is Boring

Lately, I’ve been playing with Dart, the programming language powering the cross-platform Flutter UI framework. I’ve added a Dart implementation to my collection of (now 21) programming languages in the Conway project, and another to the collection of sample Fortune web APIs.

Visual J++

Once upon a time, there was a programming environment made by Microsoft called Visual J++.

Hay un Lenguaje llamado COBOL

Soy un escritor. Reivindico mi pertenencia a un subconjunto de la raza humana que escribe.

Preferred Programming Languages

There are basically 5 languages that I really like. For several reasons.