16 posts tagged "devrel"
Running Programming Workshops
I’ve attended my fair share of programming workshops, and I have organized quite a few as part of my professional life, which means that, for the best or the worst, I have strong opinions about the subject.
How to Speak, by Patrick Winston
I’ve been recommending this talk a lot lately to people new to the art of speaking, who find themselves all of a sudden boosted to the front stage of an event and in dire need of help.
Learning OpenShift on Linkedin Learning
I’m very happy to announce that my new training called “Learning OpenShift” is now available to subscribers at LinkedIn Learning!
Recording Getting Started Guides on Linux
As I’ve said in the past, producing videos in Linux isn’t very straightforward or stable; it can be a bit of bumpy ride. But I’m stubborn, and Linux is the platform I want to use, so when I was tasked with the creation of “Getting Started” video guides for our products at VSHN, I used Linux to create them.
Hugo in DevOps Mode
As I explained last week I have been updating this website in various ways; I removed the downloadable PDFs, then added privacy-friendly analytics, and finally, I set up a scheduled pipeline in GitLab to automatically build and deploy this website every Friday morning.
Sizing Exercises Correctly
I have often learned technical subjects online or in person with oversized exercises. By that, I mean sample code or applications that are needlessly complex and contrived, to the point that their complexity hides the main subject of the class. Such examples are hard to install, run, and understand, and teachers need to spend more time helping their students to run the code than actually explaining the subject.
Stockholm Syndrome in Software
Developers working for a particular vendor tend to develop a bizarre version of Stockholm syndrome. It’s something I’ve witnessed at least twice in my career.
How to Use Demo Magic
My colleague Tobru recently pointed me to demo-magic, and I now seriously wonder how could I ever do a live demo without this.
How to Use a Microphone
At some point in your professional speaking life you will have to hold a dynamic microphone in your hands in front of an audience, just like a rock star. Not only should you be aware that it’s not a pepper mill, there’s a few more things to keep in mind while using them.
On Being a Generalist
There is a lot of discussion online these days about the relative benefits (and drawbacks) of being a generalist software developer.
Lately, I’ve started to stream some live events on YouTube on behalf of VSHN.
How to Write a Programming Book
Writing a programming book is not very complicated, to be honest: it just consists of putting one word after another.
About Remote Conferences
As the pandemic starts challenging all aspects of our life, I tweeted my personal opinion about software conferences in a thread.
Introducing the Teaching Editor
We are very happy to introduce our latest open source project: the Teaching Editor.
About the JAOO Conferences
This week I had the opportunity to attend the JAOO Developer Conference 2009 in Århus (Denmark), invited by Trifork, the company behind this and other fine events, like QCon and RubyFoo.
Pourquoi Pas?
Pourquoi ne peut-on pas avoir des conférences comme celle-ci, avec des mini-events comme celui-ci en parallèle en Romandie?