10 posts tagged "explanations"

Going to Buenos Aires? Here to Help You

What follows is a set of recommendations I always give to those going to Buenos Aires; although there’s very little tango and football (or soccer, if you’re American), as I personally don’t dance (tango or any other dance, really) or play football.

On Documentation

In my career I’ve seen lots of teams struggling, not only to get their software out of the door, but much more often (even if successful in the previous step) to have a decent level of documentation next to it.

The Great Idea of Async Work

As I mentioned last week, I’ve been in this industry for exactly 25 years. I started my journey as a software developer on Monday, October 6th, 1997. I’ve had the opportunity of sitting down and writing code for a living for a quarter of a century!

Microservices or Not? Your Team Has Already Decided

Let’s take a somewhat tangential approach to the subject of the Microservices architecture. Most discussions about it are centered around technological aspects; which language to choose, how to create the most RESTful services, which service mesh is the most performant, etc.

Git for Non Technical Readers

If you are in the business of software, sooner or later you will hear people talking about Git, GitHub, or GitLab.

Kubernetes for Non Technical Readers

If you work in the tech field, the word “Kubernetes” is all over the place these days; for those new to the subject, it can be very confusing to understand what it is, what it does, and why it is so important to so many people.

Using Phonegap as a Mobile App Platform

This report will provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities brought by PhoneGap when building cross-platform mobile applications for touchscreen smartphones and tablets.

Curso Acelerado De Subversion (Segunda Parte)

antes que nada fijate que todo lo que te explique anteriormente anda.

Curso Acelerado De Subversion (Primera Parte)

tenes que aprender subversion. por lo pronto tenes que instalarlo en tu mac, lo cual es facilisimo ya que hay un instalador que lo hace por vos, y que tenes que bajarte de aca:

Curso Acelerado De Unix, Linea De Comandos, Y Manejo Basico Del Tema Del Software Open Source, Para Artistas Liberados De Ventanas Colgadas Inutilmente

preparate unos mates, imprimi este mail y sentate con tiempo delante de la compu.