33 posts tagged "interviews"
Interview on the Swiss TV
In the context of the French-speaking Swiss television program “TTC” (“All Taxes Included”) Adrian has been interviewed about mobile applications and the economics around it.
News for this week: Training + Interview
This week we have exciting news to announce! The mobile web training in Zürich we prepared with Invisible GmbH / Simplificator GmbH has SOLD OUT!
Article in Cominmag
The October issue of Cominmag includes an article in French by akosma software about the new shape of the mobile market in Switzerland, check it out!
Audio de la Entrevista en la Metro 95.1
Para los que no pudieron escuchar la entrevista que me hicieron en la emisión “Su Atención Por Favor”.
Entrevista en la Metro 95.1 esta noche!
Esta noche me van a entrevistar en el programa “Su Atención Por Favor” de la radio Metro 95.
Interview in the Bolivian TV
In the context of the event organized by CAINCO in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, on Thursday, June 16th, we were invited to be interviewed in the TV program “No Mentirás” (“You will not lie”) of the PAT network, in the evening of Wednesday 15th.
Article in the SonntagsZeitung: "Die neuen Schweizer Macher"
The SonntagsZeitung, the most widely read Sunday newspaper in Switzerland, features today an article + infographic about Swiss developers making mobile applications, and akosma software is featured (among many other friends and peers) together with the swissinfo iPad app!
Article dans com.in Magazine
Le 7 septembre dernier, à Zurich, s’est tenu “Mobile App Stores”, un colloque à propos des plus importants systèmes de distribution de software pour téléphones mobiles.
Making of digital2.0
This is the video shot by the amazing team of VPS prod while we were working on the application.
"Dev Day for iPhone" sur Le Temps
«Face à cette demande, il manque des développeurs pour iPhone en Suisse.
Le Potecast 21
La semaine dernière j’ai eu l’immense plaisir de partager un moment de fun avec l’équipe déjantée du Potecast!
Interview by iPhoneDevSuisse
Last Wednesday I was interviewed by Junior from the iPhone and iPad Dev Group website (@iPhoneDevSuisse in Twitter).
CulturePod.ch: Interview of Adrian Kosmaczewski by Thierry Weber
Adrian Kosmaczewski, the CEO of akosma software talks to the microphone of CulturePod.
Siegfried Ceballos: The Idea Detective
Siegfried Ceballos, the “idea detective” (@ideadetective on Twitter), is publishing an interesting series of short videos, asking people about the estimated percentage of ideas they are able to actually bring to reality.
Mention on StackOverflow (2)
Comment by JT on question “technical way of managing files – grouping files in xcode” in StackOverflow.
Interview on the Tages Anzeiger
Wie man mit dem iPhone Geld verdient, interview by Roger Zedi published in the Tages Anzeiger (download the PDF file with the printed article).
Review de Notitas sur L'Express.fr
“Notitas, IM+, Old Booth Premium” par Tardis Girl; review de Notitas sur L’Express.
Article on SonntagsZeitung
Der Programmierer Adrian Kosmaczewski aus Lausanne arbeitet bereits seit knapp drei Monaten mit einer Vorabversion des Betriebssystems.
Mention on Christer Østergaard's Blog
A talk on iPhone development" in Christer Østergaard’s blog. Had the pleasure of seeing Adrian Kosmaczewski perform an excellent and enthusiastic presentation about iPhone development Thursday evening.
bluewoki on ITWire.com
Walkie-talkie program hits App Store Article by Stephen Withers published on ITWire.
Interview sur Le Temps
Interview by Anouch Seydtaghia published in Le Temps (download PDF of the website article or the PDF of the printed article).
Myself on TUAW
No comments :) Thanks to Brett Terpstra (who interviewed me) and the TUAW guys for publishing the interview!
Myself on the Swiss Press
This is something that does not happen that often to me, so it deserves a blog post of its own: here’s two appearances of yours truly in the Swiss press last week.
Video Interview on TUAW
Interview by Brett Terpstra published by The Unofficial Apple Weblog.
Interview on the SonntagsZeitung
Interview by Barnaby Skinner published on the SonntagsZeitung (download the PDF scan of the article).
Article on the Tages Anzeiger
Zum Umdenken hat Apple selber aktiv beigetragen, indem der Konzern das iPhone im Sommer 2008 für aussenstehende Entwickler öffnete und auf die extreme Geheimhaltung der früheren Jahre verzichtete.
Mention on Mauro Del Rio's Blog
Published on Mauro Del Rio’s blog. I just read an interesting post on Cocoa with Love, and I discover an interesting tool to make my life easier: Now I can create my UI with IB, and the tool will convert it to a .
Mention on Matt Gallagher's Blog
Published on Matt Gallagher’s Cocoa With Love. Layout of the content in code is probably the weakest part of the approach I’ve presented.
Mention on ArsTechnica
Article published by ArsTechnica. A handy open source utility by Adrian Kosmaczewski allows you to convert Interface Builder files to Objective-C code.
Mention on iPhoneFlow
Published in iPhoneFlow. Adrian Kosmaczewski presents 10 code-driven iPhone memory management tips.
Interview sur com.in Magazine
Interview by Victoria Marchand, appeared in the October 2008 issue of com.
Interview sur IB com Magazine
Interview by Marie-José Jones, published in the June 2008 issue of IB com magazine (download the PDF scan of the article).
Mention on Matt Gemmell's Blog
Published by Matt Gemmell. Hmm. It’s taken 4 years for me to realise that iCal Birthday Shifter shares an acronym with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.