42 posts tagged "linux"

Share Your Terminal Live on the Web With ttyd

If you’re in the business of giving demos or talking at conferences, webinars, or other gatherings, sooner or later you’ll have to show your terminal for a demo; in this case, this week’s article will surely interest you: ttyd.

Automatic Dark Mode via CSS

Dark mode (or dark theme, depending on whom you ask) is a great thing, and major operating systems have adopted it in the past few years as a native feature: Windows, macOS, and Linux desktop environments such as GNOME, Xfce, and KDE have a dark mode built-in.

Containers for Non-Technical Readers With Podman Desktop

A decade ago, when containers were the hot new thing in town, learning about them required lots of command typing on the terminal. These days, thanks to tools like Podman Desktop, the task is oh so much simpler than ever. In this article we’re going to learn some common container technology concepts, using the visual user interface of Podman Desktop to help us during the process.

Word 5.5 on DOSBox

Continuing with my exploration of old versions of Word in various platforms, I wanted to experience one of the last versions of Microsoft Word for DOS, Word 5.5. Here are the instructions to run it on any platform that supports DOSBox Staging.

Word 5.1a and Excel 4 for Mac on Basilisk II

I’ve been using some famous versions of Microsoft apps lately, of the “pre-Office” era: Word 5.1a and Excel 4, which were both running on the Macs available to students at the high school I attended in Geneva around 1993. This article provides the instructions for you to do the same with Basilisk II.

Mini vMac on Fedora

Mini vMac is a very common “Classic Mac OS” emulator, and this article contains the instructions required to get it running on Fedora 41.

32 Years of PC Configurations

I’ve been keeping track of the various characteristics of personal computers I’ve owned during the past 32 years, and here’s a table comparing those data points.

Cute Battery on your tmux

Just like last week, let’s add some more information to our tmux status bar: this time, the current battery level.

Weather on your tmux

People have asked me how to display the weather on the status bar of my tmux session, as shown in a previous post of this blog.

How to Create and Read QR Codes on the Terminal

Hisham recently said something very true: Remember when we all silently told ourselves “stop trying to make QR Codes happen, it will never catch on”?

Split and Join Arbitrary Text

Last week I enumerated some strategies to split and join large files on the terminal; let’s see how to do more split and join, but this time for any text on the standard input, just like the creators of Unix wanted us to operate on data.

Split and Join Large Files

This post explains some useful combinations of commands that you can use on Linux (or sometimes also in other operating systems) to split large files into smaller pieces, and then how to rebuild the original file from those pieces.

Adopting WezTerm

I’ve recently discovered WezTerm, also known as “Wez’s Terminal Emulator” by Wez Furlong, and I’ve adopted it completely, becoming my default terminal application.

5 Years of Full-Time Linux

Five years ago I bought a TUXEDO Computers laptop and finished my migration to Linux completely, without ever looking back.

OpenShift Local CRC From Another Machine

During the preparation of my “Learning OpenShift” course for LinkedIn Learning, I used OpenShift Local (formerly known as “CodeReady Containers” or CRC) to demonstrate the various features of the platform from a developer’s point of view.

Opening Microsoft Access Databases on Linux

In the past few months I’ve been writing about my software archeology experiments, including how to convert old HTML code from 1999 to run in today’s browsers, how to run Macromedia Flash movies with Ruffle, or even how to run Java applets now that they aren’t supported anymore.

Recording Getting Started Guides on Linux

As I’ve said in the past, producing videos in Linux isn’t very straightforward or stable; it can be a bit of bumpy ride. But I’m stubborn, and Linux is the platform I want to use, so when I was tasked with the creation of “Getting Started” video guides for our products at VSHN, I used Linux to create them.


One of the greatest discoveries I’ve made after switching to the Linux galaxy is, without any doubt, the fantastic Restic; a backup tool that deserves to be better known and more widely used.

Fedora 38

In December 4th, 2005, I published my first blog post about Linux. I wrote it on Ubuntu 5.10 “Breezy” after installing it on my faithful iBook G3. Many years have passed, and I’ve become a full-time Linux user now, having used no other operating system in the past 5 years.

FOSS in Developing Countries

The other day, I had friends in Bolivia asking me if they could install Windows on a laptop they got through an NGO that initially came bundled with Linux.

GNOME Extensions

Last week I talked about Firefox extensions, last year I talked about VSCode extensions, now it’s time to talk about GNOME extensions.

D, or What Go May Have Been

In my quest to learn more and more programming languages, I recently dipped my toes into the D Programming Language. My reaction to it involves sadness; on the positive side of things, the language is undeniably brilliant.

Various Flatpak Tips and Tricks

I use Flatpak a lot, on my work and personal laptops. I had to find a few tips and tricks to make it work the way I wanted, using all the apps I prefer.

Technology Stacks

For the past 20 years there’s been this trend to give names to a particular set of operating system, programming language, database tech, and something else.

Three Key Tenets of GNOME App UX

If you are developing apps for GNOME, I kindly ask you to pay attention to the following three key points of application usability.

Linux Package Manager Strategy

There are quite a few package managers available in Linux, and it’s hard to figure out which one to use for what.

Computers Bundled With Linux

For those interested in buying a computer with Linux built-in, here’s a list of options.

Alpine Linux in VirtualBox

I’ve been playing with Alpine Linux on VirtualBox, and here are some notes I took during the process.

Video Editing in Linux

Let’s talk about the worst part of my Linux experience so far: video editing.

First Web App in Rust

My exploration of Rust continues; this week, I rewrote a Python Flask application I use for demos at work.

Migrating from macOS to Linux

This is the story of how, after being a loyal macOS user for 15 years, I decided to start using Linux full-time.

The Developer Guide to Migrate Across Galaxies

This is the presentation I gave at the second App Builders Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, April 25th, 2017.

POSIX Device Files

Modern operating systems provide a clear separation of the kernel processes from those running in user space, which prompts the question of how to access I/O devices from user processes, without breaking the above mentioned architectural separation, which guarantees stability, security and performance.

Feeling Like a Grown Up Kid

Jedi Knights, when they achieve a certain level of maturity in their craft, are told to build their own lightsaber, as one of the final steps of their training.

Argentina Has Its Own Linux Distro

And it’s called UTUTO: UTUTO es una distribución de GNU/Linux, denominada en referencia a una lagartilla o Geco así­ conocido en el norte de Argentina


Since I discovered Ubuntu I’ve been trying to install it in different hardware, in different computers, even in virtual machines, and I just love it.

How to Install Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper in an Apple G3 iBook

After upgrading my good ol’ PC to Dapper, I proceeded to download and burn a copy of it for PowerPC systems, and I have managed to install it in my old faithful G3 iBook in dual boot, with Mac OS X 10.

How to Install the Linksys WPC54GS Wireless-G Network Adapter in Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper

“Dapper”, the new version of Ubuntu has been released yesterday! So I downloaded the ISO file, burn the CD down and proceeded to install it over my old Breezy Kubuntu installation.

How to Install the Linksys WPC54GS Wireless G Network Adapter in Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy

Well, that was a long title. My mother recently changed her 4-year old Dell Inspiron 4100 for a brand new iMac G5, so I took that old laptop (20 GB hard disk, 256 MB RAM) and, after backing up her data, wiped it completely and reinstalled it with the following configuration:

Kubuntu 5.10 and the Linksys WPC54GS Wireless-G Network Adapter

OK, so this time I’ve tried to make the same I’ve described before, but for Kubuntu 5.

Get the Facts - I Mean, Get Them

If you enjoy Microsoft PR material, you may find this “Get the facts” page somewhat interesting.


This is my first post from a brand new world.