9 posts tagged "llvm"

Crystal is a Surprise

I blogged about Dart a few weeks ago, and I said it was refreshingly boring. I am probably late to the party, but I discovered Crystal recently, and it is not only boring but also surprising in many delicious ways.

12 Years of iPhone – A Developer's Perspective

This is the talk that I gave in the 4th MCE Conference in Warsaw, Poland, on May 8th, 2017 (conference organized by Polidea) and (with updates) at UIKonf on May 15th, 2018 and at NSConfArg on April 20th, 2019.

The Developer Guide to Migrate Across Galaxies

This is the presentation I gave at the second App Builders Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, April 25th, 2017.

Being A Developer After 40

This is the talk I gave at App Builders Switzerland on April 25th, 2016.

Cocoa is the new Carbon: the Future of Apple’s Beloved Framework

In this talk, Adrian will provide lots of speculation and highly arguable unverified gossip, about how the design of Swift will lead Apple to redesign Cocoa into new directions, and maybe replacing it altogether.

The Tao of Swift

I gave this talk in September 2014, in Zürich, the same day Apple announced the Apple Watch.

10 iPhone Memory Management Tips

Memory management in the iPhone is a hot topic. And since I’m talking about it on tonight’s monthly meetup of the French-speaking Swiss iPhone Developers group, I might as well share some tips here from my own experience.

Objective-C REST Client Update

I’ve uploaded (yet another) update to the Objective-C REST client I’ve blogged about previously.

Pastrami Sandwich

I find many similarities between an event like WWDC and a similar one I’ve attended at Redmond long ago; both are big (huge!