16 posts tagged "macos"
Share Your Terminal Live on the Web With ttyd
If you’re in the business of giving demos or talking at conferences, webinars, or other gatherings, sooner or later you’ll have to show your terminal for a demo; in this case, this week’s article will surely interest you: ttyd.
Word 5.1a and Excel 4 for Mac on Basilisk II
I’ve been using some famous versions of Microsoft apps lately, of the “pre-Office” era: Word 5.1a and Excel 4, which were both running on the Macs available to students at the high school I attended in Geneva around 1993. This article provides the instructions for you to do the same with Basilisk II.
Mini vMac on Fedora
Mini vMac is a very common “Classic Mac OS” emulator, and this article contains the instructions required to get it running on Fedora 41.
32 Years of PC Configurations
I’ve been keeping track of the various characteristics of personal computers I’ve owned during the past 32 years, and here’s a table comparing those data points.
Adopting WezTerm
I’ve recently discovered WezTerm, also known as “Wez’s Terminal Emulator” by Wez Furlong, and I’ve adopted it completely, becoming my default terminal application.
FOSS in Developing Countries
The other day, I had friends in Bolivia asking me if they could install Windows on a laptop they got through an NGO that initially came bundled with Linux.
Technology Stacks
For the past 20 years there’s been this trend to give names to a particular set of operating system, programming language, database tech, and something else.
Migrating from macOS to Linux
This is the story of how, after being a loyal macOS user for 15 years, I decided to start using Linux full-time.
12 Years of iPhone – A Developer's Perspective
This is the talk that I gave in the 4th MCE Conference in Warsaw, Poland, on May 8th, 2017 (conference organized by Polidea) and (with updates) at UIKonf on May 15th, 2018 and at NSConfArg on April 20th, 2019.
The Developer Guide to Migrate Across Galaxies
This is the presentation I gave at the second App Builders Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, April 25th, 2017.
iPhone and Mac OS X Developer Conference Roundup
Here’s a quick review of the most important iPhone and Mac OS X developer conferences I’ve found on the web (in no particular order).
Article on SonntagsZeitung
Der Programmierer Adrian Kosmaczewski aus Lausanne arbeitet bereits seit knapp drei Monaten mit einer Vorabversion des Betriebssystems.
Article on the Tages Anzeiger
Zum Umdenken hat Apple selber aktiv beigetragen, indem der Konzern das iPhone im Sommer 2008 für aussenstehende Entwickler öffnete und auf die extreme Geheimhaltung der früheren Jahre verzichtete.
Screen Savers for the Mac Using Flash
This is an evening project that turned out to be really cool.
Browsers' Multiple Connection Settings
I’m not such a “power user” when it comes to web browsing, and having good connectivity both at home and at work helps forgetting about tweaking the maximum number of TCP connections in my web browser.
How to Grab or Capture Your Screen With Cocoa
Lately I got curious to know how could I grab the entire desktop of my computer, and save it into a file, or display it into an NSImageView component.