7 posts tagged "markdown"
The Great Idea of Async Work
As I mentioned last week, I’ve been in this industry for exactly 25 years. I started my journey as a software developer on Monday, October 6th, 1997. I’ve had the opportunity of sitting down and writing code for a living for a quarter of a century!
Migrating from WordPress to Hugo
I’ve been migrating old blog posts (2004-2014) to this blog lately, and you can find them by clicking the “Next” button at the bottom of the index.
Lots of VSCode Extensions
The recent release by Microsoft of vscode.dev, the online version of Visual Studio Code, made me think of all the different things I do with VSCode, including this blog.
How to Write a Programming Book
Writing a programming book is not very complicated, to be honest: it just consists of putting one word after another.
Somebody Call an Asciidoctor
Markdown is a great thing; but nothing beats Asciidoc for complex documentation projects.
The Developer Guide to Migrate Across Galaxies
This is the presentation I gave at the second App Builders Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, April 25th, 2017.
Markdown FTW
Markdown is my new favorite tool. It all started while looking for alternatives to LaTeX to write documents and booklets, because since the release of the iPad last year, I wanted to publish in PDF and in EPUB format at the same time, and LaTeX does not offer that option off the box.