5 posts tagged "poetry"

Best Books of 2021

Here’s the list of books I read and enjoyed in 2021. There’s a little bit of everything, from poetry to programming to business to philosophy.

Best Books of 2014 to 2019

In 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 I published lists of books I enjoyed every year. Starting in 2014 I stopped publishing them every year, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t keep track of the books I read.


I have the immense chance and privilege of being fluent in three beautiful languages such as Spanish, French, and English.

Ten Years

I’ve been blogging for 10 years now. From Movable Type to Wordpress.


Quiero morir, quedar en el olvido. Serí­a como abrir la tapa de un libro, leer la primer hoja y quedarse dormido.