15 posts tagged "python"
Mathematical Curiosities
This post contains some interesting mathematical curiosities I’ve recently learned about.
Hugo in DevOps Mode
As I explained last week I have been updating this website in various ways; I removed the downloadable PDFs, then added privacy-friendly analytics, and finally, I set up a scheduled pipeline in GitLab to automatically build and deploy this website every Friday morning.
Yup, Still Learning a New Programming Language Every Year
I gave an update on this lifetime activity of mine in 2006, 2007, 2011, and 2013, and here we go for 2023.
Reusing Apps Between Teams and Environments Through Containers
This was my speech for the WeAreDevelopers Container Day on February 3rd, 2021. The talk will feature a live demo showing how to build, optimize, and distribute containers to be reused in as many environments as possible, 100% based on the experience of the VSHN team.
Fortune Apps
As part of my work in VSHN, I lately prepared a set of demo applications ready to be containerized and deployed in our new product APPUiO Cloud.
Polyglot Conway
My personal project during the pandemic was Conway, a project providing implementations of Conway’s Game of Life in as many programming languages as possible.
Password Hashing in Django
This technique can be useful when migrating applications from Django to ASP.
COVID-19 Vaccination Progress
The (low) speed of the COVID-19 vaccination in Switzerland is infuriating.
Search Engine for akos.ma
Adding a search engine to this website was a nice little weekend project.
The Developer Guide to Migrate Across Galaxies
This is the presentation I gave at the second App Builders Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, April 25th, 2017.
Still Learning One Language per Year
Quick update about my “one language per year” lifelong initiative:
Learning One New Language Every Year
Here’s an update of the current status of my “one language per year” lifelong initiative:
Django Architecture Approaches
I’ve just had a very interesting conversation with my colleague Marco about different approaches to the organization of code inside a Django application.
Playing With HTTP Libraries
It’s fun to find out how to tackle the same task in different programming languages; in this case, it’s all about doing HTTP requests over a network: fortunately, there are networking libraries in virtually all major programming languages.
My First Django Project
So here it is, my first Django project: the gazillionth blog engine on the planet!