Tag "ruby"

Revisiting Ruby on Rails

I’ve blogged about Ruby on Rails quite a few times in the past 18 years. I’ve delivered lots of Rails apps, I’ve used it for my own company, and I have been a historic fan of Rails against all odds and against all opinions.


I was surprised to discover recently that good old Redmine not only still exists in 2022, but it thrives in various unexpected ways.

Yup, Still Learning a New Programming Language Every Year

I gave an update on this lifetime activity of mine in 2006, 2007, 2011, and 2013, and here we go for 2023.

Containers and DLL Hell

Back in the 1990s, shared libraries were all the rage. Instead of having to ship a 20 MB *.exe file to your customer in various floppy disks, you could cut some code out, put it in a set of *.dll files, and reuse that code across all your products. Every vendor would then install lots of DLL files in your system, and they would be reused by other apps from the same vendor.

Crystal is a Surprise

I blogged about Dart a few weeks ago, and I said it was refreshingly boring. I am probably late to the party, but I discovered Crystal recently, and it is not only boring but also surprising in many delicious ways.

Fortune Apps

As part of my work in VSHN, I lately prepared a set of demo applications ready to be containerized and deployed in our new product APPUiO Cloud.

Polyglot Conway

My personal project during the pandemic was Conway, a project providing implementations of Conway’s Game of Life in as many programming languages as possible.

The Developer Guide to Migrate Across Galaxies

This is the presentation I gave at the second App Builders Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, April 25th, 2017.

Still Learning One Language per Year

Quick update about my “one language per year” lifelong initiative:

Learning One New Language Every Year

Here’s an update of the current status of my “one language per year” lifelong initiative:

Del.icio.us to Wordpress

I’ve just uploaded a new project on Github called delicious_wp: it’s a small Ruby script that simply fetches the items stored in del.

Playing With HTTP Libraries

It’s fun to find out how to tackle the same task in different programming languages; in this case, it’s all about doing HTTP requests over a network: fortunately, there are networking libraries in virtually all major programming languages.

Null References

There’s an interesting discussion going on these days on Ruby blogs about, basically, how to avoid one of the most common, annoying, easy-to-create bugs in any programming language: calling a method on a null reference (or pointer, depending on your language).

Deliver. Now.

Every time I talk with people about Ruby on Rails in Switzerland, I almost always get the same comments, no matter what is the background of the person I’m talking to:

Riding the Rails Again

It feels soooooo good to :) Let me introduce you to Parking Friend.

Preferred Programming Languages

There are basically 5 languages that I really like. For several reasons.

How to create a BibTeX file from a Delicious Library database

Well, you’re pretty much on your own for that :)

Curso Acelerado De Unix, Linea De Comandos, Y Manejo Basico Del Tema Del Software Open Source, Para Artistas Liberados De Ventanas Colgadas Inutilmente

preparate unos mates, imprimi este mail y sentate con tiempo delante de la compu.

Quick Comparison of C Sharp and Ruby

I have been working as a software developer since 1996, and as such I’ve used a variety of different languages, both compiled and interpreted.

A New Programming Language Every Year

Somewhere I read that it was a good thing to learn at least one new programming language every year; I think I have kept up that trend since 1992:


Apple has published an article about Ruby on Rails in the Developer Connection website!

The Technical News of the Day

Ruby on Rails goes 1.0; read the announcement!


After having received a comment from Steven Ross I saw in his website a reference to RadRails.

How to Install Ruby on Rails in Windows 2003

Great day; my first full Ruby on Rails application is up and running in production environment.

Inversion of Control, Ruby and Rails

Next week I will be in Belgium working with the Thales team in Brussels, building a new software solution (for a customer of the public sector that I cannot disclose here) using the following technologies:

Thin as a WEBrick

Estuve probando un nuevo lenguaje de programacion que no conocia: Ruby.