20 posts tagged "sencha touch"

Praise for "Sencha Touch 2 Up and Running"

jasonou: A very good book on Sencha Touch. This book covers various important topics.

New Swiss Training Calendar 2012

We are very glad to announce new dates for our Post PC trainings in Switzerland!

Announcing my second book: "Sencha Touch 2 Up and Running"

This is the official announcement of my second book, “Sencha Touch 2 Up and Running”, available for sale in print and in DRM-free electronic formats (PDF, ePub, Kindle, etc.

Cross-Platform Mobile Web Application Development Training in London

We are very happy to announce the first edition of the Cross-Platform Mobile Web Application Development Training in London!

Praise for "Mobile JavaScript Application Development"

Si Dunn, at Books, Books & More (New) Books: His book is divided into seven well-written chapters.

Mobile JavaScript Application Development Book Launch Event in South Africa

I’m very glad to announce that our friends of [immedia] in Durban, South Africa, will be hosting a launch event for our latest book “Mobile JavaScript Application Development”!

Announcing my first book: "Mobile JavaScript Application Development"

Today I’m announcing my first book, “Mobile JavaScript Application Development”, available for sale in print and in DRM-free electronic formats (PDF, ePub, Kindle, etc.

Talking at SwissJeese 2012

I’m very proud and happy to announce that tomorrow I’ll be talking in the first edition of SwissJeese!

Formation de Développement d'Applications Web Mobiles à Genève

Après le succès des éditions de Zürich et Afrique du Sud, nous sommes ravis de présenter la première édition du cours de développement d’applications web mobiles à Genève, en français!

Third Edition of the Mobile Web Training in Zürich

Simplificator and akosma software are thrilled to announce the third edition of our successful three day training about mobile web app development using jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch and PhoneGap in Zürich on May 16th, 17th and 18th!

Vidéo de la Présentation de Sencha Touch 2

Voici la vidéo de la présentation de Adrian à propos de Sencha Touch 2, lors de la réunion du groupe JavaScript Genève le 28 mars dernier.

Tonight in Geneva: Introduction to Sencha Touch 2

Tonight Adrian will be presenting Sencha Touch 2 to a select group of JavaScript fanatics!

Mobile Web Training in Zürich!

This week we will be in Zürich, giving the second edition of our three day long mobile web training in partnership with Simplificator!

Mobile Web Training in Zürich Once Again!

Simplificator and akosma software are thrilled to announce the second edition of our successful three day training about mobile web app development using jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch and PhoneGap in Zürich on March 14th, 15th and 16th!

Trainings 2012: Advanced iOS, Mobile Web Apps and Node.js

We are thrilled to announce new training sessions in Switzerland and South Africa this year:

Announcing EERV cal, an iPhone, Android and Web Application!

We are ecstatic to announce the general availability of the EERV cal mobile application, created with Sencha Touch and PhoneGap, and available as an HTML5 web application, and also on the App Store and the Android Market!

News for this week: Training + Interview

This week we have exciting news to announce! The mobile web training in Zürich we prepared with Invisible GmbH / Simplificator GmbH has SOLD OUT!

Attending SenchaCon 2011

We are very happy to announce that next week we will be attending SenchaCon 2011, the most important event of the year around the Sencha frameworks.

Mobile Development with jQuery, Sencha and PhoneGap, 15-17 November 2011

Invisible GmbH and akosma software are thrilled to announce their latest collaboration: a three day training about mobile web app development using jQuery, Sencha Touch and PhoneGap!

A Shift In The Market Towards Mobile Web Apps

Mobile apps are hardly something new these days. Mobile app stores are ubiquitous, and download and “number of apps” stats do not matter anymore.