Tag "speeches"

Reusing Apps Between Teams and Environments Through Containers

This was my speech for the WeAreDevelopers Container Day on February 3rd, 2021. The talk will feature a live demo showing how to build, optimize, and distribute containers to be reused in as many environments as possible, 100% based on the experience of the VSHN team.

Microservices or Not? Your Team Has Already Decided

Let’s take a somewhat tangential approach to the subject of the Microservices architecture. Most discussions about it are centered around technological aspects; which language to choose, how to create the most RESTful services, which service mesh is the most performant, etc.

The Greatest Unsolved Problem in the Digital Era

Thank you very much for inviting me to speak today. It is an honor and a privilege to be able to contribute to your event with some words that I hope, will trigger some positive thoughts and bring some new ideas to your brain.

12 Years of iPhone – A Developer's Perspective

This is the talk that I gave in the 4th MCE Conference in Warsaw, Poland, on May 8th, 2017 (conference organized by Polidea) and (with updates) at UIKonf on May 15th, 2018 and at NSConfArg on April 20th, 2019.

A Quest For A Better World

This is the presentation I gave at the third App Builders Conference in Lugano, Switzerland, April 17th, 2018.

Docker - Didapro 7 - DidaSTIC

Bonjour, et bienvenus a cet atelier a propos de Docker chez Didapro.

The Developer Guide to Migrate Across Galaxies

This is the presentation I gave at the second App Builders Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, April 25th, 2017.

Making iOS Applications Accessible

This is the talk I gave at the Mobile Developer Summit, Bangalore, India, September 15th, 2016

Refactoring iOS Projects

Presentation given in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, on July 16th, 2016. In this session we are going to learn simple yet effective techniques to refactor large iOS codebases in order to make them more testable, to adapt them to be eventually rewritten in Swift, and to make them as “future proof” as possible.

Being A Developer After 40

This is the talk I gave at App Builders Switzerland on April 25th, 2016.

Cocoa is the new Carbon: the Future of Apple’s Beloved Framework

In this talk, Adrian will provide lots of speculation and highly arguable unverified gossip, about how the design of Swift will lead Apple to redesign Cocoa into new directions, and maybe replacing it altogether.


Presentation about iBeacons, given on May 26th, 2014 in Zürich (CH), August 13th in Leeds (UK) and August 14th in London (UK), and in October 2014 in Durban (ZA).

The Tao of Swift

I gave this talk in September 2014, in Zürich, the same day Apple announced the Apple Watch.

10 iPhone Memory Management Tips

Memory management in the iPhone is a hot topic. And since I’m talking about it on tonight’s monthly meetup of the French-speaking Swiss iPhone Developers group, I might as well share some tips here from my own experience.