Tag "swift"

Memories of WWDC 2008

Exactly 15 years ago, on Monday, June 9th, 2008, I published a blog post with a picture taken in the big room of the Moscone conference center in San Francisco, waiting for Steve Jobs to introduce the iPhone 3G to the world at the annual Apple World Wide Developers’ Conference 2008.

Yup, Still Learning a New Programming Language Every Year

I gave an update on this lifetime activity of mine in 2006, 2007, 2011, and 2013, and here we go for 2023.

Killer Apps

The D programming language lacked a “killer app” to break through. Another brilliant language suffered from this situation, objectively deserving a much better fate than the one it had; Smalltalk.

Fortune Apps

As part of my work in VSHN, I lately prepared a set of demo applications ready to be containerized and deployed in our new product APPUiO Cloud.

Polyglot Conway

My personal project during the pandemic was Conway, a project providing implementations of Conway’s Game of Life in as many programming languages as possible.

Removing Singletons

Problem: your code has a big badass manager class with a singleton interface, and you would like to have more flexible, testable code.

The Next Big Thing

Looking backwards, the migration from Objective-C to Swift as main programming language for the Apple galaxy was quite an event.

12 Years of iPhone – A Developer's Perspective

This is the talk that I gave in the 4th MCE Conference in Warsaw, Poland, on May 8th, 2017 (conference organized by Polidea) and (with updates) at UIKonf on May 15th, 2018 and at NSConfArg on April 20th, 2019.

The Developer Guide to Migrate Across Galaxies

This is the presentation I gave at the second App Builders Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, April 25th, 2017.

Android for iOS Developers

Just published my new book: “Android for iOS Developers”. The world of mobile development is a ground in constant motion.

Mathematics With Swift

The built-in support for Unicode variables and operators in Swift opens the door to some interesting experiments.

Refactoring iOS Projects

Presentation given in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, on July 16th, 2016. In this session we are going to learn simple yet effective techniques to refactor large iOS codebases in order to make them more testable, to adapt them to be eventually rewritten in Swift, and to make them as “future proof” as possible.

Being A Developer After 40

This is the talk I gave at App Builders Switzerland on April 25th, 2016.

Cocoa is the new Carbon: the Future of Apple’s Beloved Framework

In this talk, Adrian will provide lots of speculation and highly arguable unverified gossip, about how the design of Swift will lead Apple to redesign Cocoa into new directions, and maybe replacing it altogether.

The Tao of Swift

I gave this talk in September 2014, in Zürich, the same day Apple announced the Apple Watch.

Learning Swift

Notes written while Swift was being released to the world.