43 posts tagged "switzerland"
Use a Bidet
One of the things that I missed the most when moving from Argentina to Switzerland in 1991 wasn’t the meat, nor the alfajores, nor the dulce de leche, but the humble bidet in every bathroom.
Swiss SaaS You Probably Never Heard About
I’ve recently talked about Proton and about how happy I am with their services, but it turns out that Switzerland has to offer much more in the realm of privacy-conscious SaaS.
I didn’t grow up in a family where literature played any significant role, other than entertainment, that is. My mother enjoyed reading novels by Jacqueline Susann and Harold Robbins. My mathematician grandmother read French paperbacks from the collection “J’ai Lu” by authors ranging from Agatha Christie to Guy des Cars.
When My Grandparents Arrived to Buenos Aires
An article on the Argentine newspaper Clarín prompted me to visit the CEMLA search engine and search for the arrival details of my grandparents migrating to Buenos Aires, and guess what, I found them.
The Proton Suite
First, a mandatory disclaimer: this is not a sponsored post (there are none in this blog, btw), just me telling the story of how I became a happy Proton user during the past 5 years; I’m not affiliated with them in any way.
My life rebooted in July 1996; the day I decided to drop out from college, to get my driving license, to start going out at least twice a week, and to take a sabbatical from everything. Yes, I pretty much took all of those decisions at the same time.
Kosmaczewski's Law
I was talking recently with Graham and an observation came to my mind, one that I hereby state as Kosmaczewski’s Law: “The flow of knowledge is inverse to the flow of fascism”.
Serving in the Swiss Army
This week it’s been 30 years since I first joined the Swiss Army. Involuntarily, that is. I had just finished my Maturité exams, and had subsequently enrolled as a student of Physics in the University of Geneva.
Swiss Army
The war caused by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is shaking the foundations of Swiss neutrality.
The End of the Tunnel?
From a Swiss perspective it would be easy to think that the COVID-19 crisis is reaching its end.
Vaccines and Software Developers
I am a bit tired and disappointed by the attitude of many in our industry, people supposedly eager to test new technologies and “move the human race forward”.
COVID-19 Vaccination Progress
The (low) speed of the COVID-19 vaccination in Switzerland is infuriating.
Thirty Years
As the taxi rushed away from my old home along Avenida del Libertador, I looked through the rear windshield for one last time.
How to Desperately Suck at Cliches
I was born in Argentina. This fact, all by itself, provides a rather unlimited amount of smiles in every person I meet.
Eight Steps To Build A Better Swiss Software Industry
The Swiss are the best at many, many different domains. Which is a rather surprising and seriously fantastic feat for such a small country with merely eight million people, divided in four quite distinct linguistic groups.
New Swiss Conference: GOTO Zürich!
We are proud to participate in the first GOTO Zürich for Developers + GOTO Zürich For Leaders Conferences as one of the sponsors!
A Mobile Developer Lab the Size of a Country!
Last week we attended with Bertrand Dufresne the 2012 edition of Mobilism in Amsterdam, an awesome event set up by many great people, among them Peter-Paul Koch, Stephen Hay and Krijn Hoetmer.
Swiss App Awards 2012 Winners!
We proudly present the winners of Swiss App Awards 2012:
Swiss App Awards Nominees!
The jury of the Swiss App Awards has just published the official list of nominees in each category!
Swiss App Awards: Don't Forget!
The deadline of the Swiss App Awards is approaching! Don’t forget to submit your application using the form before January 15th!
Swiss App Awards 2012: Submit your app now!
I’m honored to announce that I will be part of the jury of the next Swiss App Awards 2012, to be held in Zürich, on January 27th, 2012!
Votar en Suiza
Como muchas cosas en la vida, el pasaporte colorado no viene gratuitamente.
Pais Central
Hace mucho tiempo, Luisa, una amiga de toda la vida, me hizo una de esas preguntas que te dejan en offside y quedan picando durante largo rato: “que se siente vivir en un país central?
Article in the SonntagsZeitung: "Die neuen Schweizer Macher"
The SonntagsZeitung, the most widely read Sunday newspaper in Switzerland, features today an article + infographic about Swiss developers making mobile applications, and akosma software is featured (among many other friends and peers) together with the swissinfo iPad app!
20 Years Ago
Exactly 20 years ago, on Wednesday February 20th, 1991, my mother and I arrived to Geneva, Switzerland, from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Advanced iOS 4.2 Training Course – Zürich, February 7th and 8th 2011 – Enroll now!
akosma software is happy to announce the Advanced iOS 4.2 Training Course jointly organized with Trifork GmbH.
Article dans com.in Magazine
Le 7 septembre dernier, à Zurich, s’est tenu “Mobile App Stores”, un colloque à propos des plus importants systèmes de distribution de software pour téléphones mobiles.
Soft-Shake 2010
Voici l’annonce officielle de la conference Soft-Shake 2010: Agilité, iPhone et Java voilà les trois thèmes de la conférence Soft-Shake qui se tiendra pour la toute première fois le 18 octobre 2010 à Genève.
When I was a student in university, I used to work in Geneva Airport, aka GVA, as a part-time luggage handling employee, an “auxiliaire” as we were called, in a now extinct company once called Swissair.
"Dev Day for iPhone" sur Le Temps
«Face à cette demande, il manque des développeurs pour iPhone en Suisse.
Applications iPhone: il est temps de s'y mettre!
Le prochain mercredi 16 juin j’aurai le privilège de partager la scène avec Marco Scheurer de Sen:te, Surane Ragavan de abonobo, et Bertrand Baeriswyl lors du séminaire First “Applications iPhone: il est temps de s’y mettre!
Interview by iPhoneDevSuisse
Last Wednesday I was interviewed by Junior from the iPhone and iPad Dev Group website (@iPhoneDevSuisse in Twitter).
First iPads in Switzerland!
Queuing in front of the Fifth Avenue Apple Store, 767 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Saturday at 0515:
Roundup of Swiss Companies Writing Mac Apps
A lot has been said and done about the iPhone, but there’s much more to Cocoa and Objective-C than our beloved pocket device.
Article on SonntagsZeitung
Der Programmierer Adrian Kosmaczewski aus Lausanne arbeitet bereits seit knapp drei Monaten mit einer Vorabversion des Betriebssystems.
Interview sur Le Temps
Interview by Anouch Seydtaghia published in Le Temps (download PDF of the website article or the PDF of the printed article).
Article on the Tages Anzeiger
Zum Umdenken hat Apple selber aktiv beigetragen, indem der Konzern das iPhone im Sommer 2008 für aussenstehende Entwickler öffnete und auf die extreme Geheimhaltung der früheren Jahre verzichtete.
Felicidades De Inmigrante
Este es un mensaje para SpinDoctor: en Ginebra se consigue Mantecol!
Richard Stallman
Yesterday in the University of Lausanne: Thanks David for the photograph!
I want one
Anyone knows when are these coming to Switzerland?
En todos las estaciones de tren de Suiza, todas y cada una, sin excepcion, desde Zurich hasta Ginebra pasando por Lausana, Berna o Maienfelden (el pueblito de Heidi) existen unos relojes con cuadrante blanco, sin cifras ni numeros romanos, que indican todos exactamente la misma hora.
Segun Dos Amigos
En todos las estaciones de tren de Suiza, todas y cada una, sin excepcion, desde Zurich hasta Ginebra pasando por Lausana, Berna o Maienfelden (el pueblito de Heidi) existen unos relojes con cuadrante blanco, sin cifras ni numeros romanos, que indican todos exactamente la misma hora.
La publicidad suiza es de lejos la peor del mundo. Tiene cierta logica que sea asi, si uno piensa que es un pais con tal nivel de consumo que ni siquiera es necesario promover productos; se venden solos.