13 posts tagged "text editors"
Word 5.5 on DOSBox
Continuing with my exploration of old versions of Word in various platforms, I wanted to experience one of the last versions of Microsoft Word for DOS, Word 5.5. Here are the instructions to run it on any platform that supports DOSBox Staging.
Word 5.1a and Excel 4 for Mac on Basilisk II
I’ve been using some famous versions of Microsoft apps lately, of the “pre-Office” era: Word 5.1a and Excel 4, which were both running on the Macs available to students at the high school I attended in Geneva around 1993. This article provides the instructions for you to do the same with Basilisk II.
On Documentation
In my career I’ve seen lots of teams struggling, not only to get their software out of the door, but much more often (even if successful in the previous step) to have a decent level of documentation next to it.
Last week I was celebrating the 20 years of my Harman Kardon SoundSticks, but last Monday there was another anniversary that some of us celebrated fondly: EditPlus 1.0, released March 20th, 1998, is 25 years old!
Stockholm Syndrome in Software
Developers working for a particular vendor tend to develop a bizarre version of Stockholm syndrome. It’s something I’ve witnessed at least twice in my career.
Text Editors for Work
There has been a particular text editor that defined each period of my career as a software developer.
Lots of VSCode Extensions
The recent release by Microsoft of vscode.dev, the online version of Visual Studio Code, made me think of all the different things I do with VSCode, including this blog.
How to Write a Programming Book
Writing a programming book is not very complicated, to be honest: it just consists of putting one word after another.
Programming is a very opinionated activity. Unfortunately, those opinions are seldom based on facts, and most of them are futile, and lead to stupid arguments on Reddit or Hacker News or the comments section of a blog.
Touch Typing
Probably the single most important skill that has always helped me when dealing with computers is the ability to type without looking at the keyboard.
Migrating from macOS to Linux
This is the story of how, after being a loyal macOS user for 15 years, I decided to start using Linux full-time.
Markdown FTW
Markdown is my new favorite tool. It all started while looking for alternatives to LaTeX to write documents and booklets, because since the release of the iPad last year, I wanted to publish in PDF and in EPUB format at the same time, and LaTeX does not offer that option off the box.
Curso Acelerado De Unix, Linea De Comandos, Y Manejo Basico Del Tema Del Software Open Source, Para Artistas Liberados De Ventanas Colgadas Inutilmente
preparate unos mates, imprimi este mail y sentate con tiempo delante de la compu.