Tag "typescript"

Yup, Still Learning a New Programming Language Every Year

I gave an update on this lifetime activity of mine in 2006, 2007, 2011, and 2013, and here we go for 2023.

The New Microsoft

Microsoft is a big, big, big name in our industry. No matter what they do, everybody notices. Whether it’s good or bad, useful or ridiculous, big or small, it never goes by unnoticed.

Fortune Apps

As part of my work in VSHN, I lately prepared a set of demo applications ready to be containerized and deployed in our new product APPUiO Cloud.

Cross Platform Node.js Apps

Node.js projects are very much cross-platform, allowing your team to use any operating system they want to work on them.

Text Editors for Work

There has been a particular text editor that defined each period of my career as a software developer.

Polyglot Conway

My personal project during the pandemic was Conway, a project providing implementations of Conway’s Game of Life in as many programming languages as possible.

Starting a Typescript CLI Project from Scratch

The JavaScript ecosystem has grown dramatically in the past decade. It has become so complex, that I’ve seen many new developers interested in the subject struggle to find out where to start.