Tag "visual studio code"

Notepad Log Files on Visual Studio Code

Did you know that you can use Windows Notepad to create log files? It’s a feature that has been available on Windows since at least version 3.1… and I know it because, well, I’m old enough to have used such a feature to keep my own journal around 1992.

Conway in Rexx, Cobol, and Fortran

Here’s more dabbling in programming languages to re-create my venerable interpretation of Conway’s Game of Life, this time using three stereotypical languages of the IBM galaxy: the Rexx scripting language, good old COBOL, and Fortran 95.

Crystal is a Surprise

I blogged about Dart a few weeks ago, and I said it was refreshingly boring. I am probably late to the party, but I discovered Crystal recently, and it is not only boring but also surprising in many delicious ways.

Text Editors for Work

There has been a particular text editor that defined each period of my career as a software developer.

Lots of VSCode Extensions

The recent release by Microsoft of vscode.dev, the online version of Visual Studio Code, made me think of all the different things I do with VSCode, including this blog.

Starting a Typescript CLI Project from Scratch

The JavaScript ecosystem has grown dramatically in the past decade. It has become so complex, that I’ve seen many new developers interested in the subject struggle to find out where to start.