19 posts tagged "windows"

Notepad Log Files on Visual Studio Code

Did you know that you can use Windows Notepad to create log files? It’s a feature that has been available on Windows since at least version 3.1… and I know it because, well, I’m old enough to have used such a feature to keep my own journal around 1992.

Adopting WezTerm

I’ve recently discovered WezTerm, also known as “Wez’s Terminal Emulator” by Wez Furlong, and I’ve adopted it completely, becoming my default terminal application.


Last week I was celebrating the 20 years of my Harman Kardon SoundSticks, but last Monday there was another anniversary that some of us celebrated fondly: EditPlus 1.0, released March 20th, 1998, is 25 years old!

Containers and DLL Hell

Back in the 1990s, shared libraries were all the rage. Instead of having to ship a 20 MB *.exe file to your customer in various floppy disks, you could cut some code out, put it in a set of *.dll files, and reuse that code across all your products. Every vendor would then install lots of DLL files in your system, and they would be reused by other apps from the same vendor.

Killer Apps

The D programming language lacked a “killer app” to break through. Another brilliant language suffered from this situation, objectively deserving a much better fate than the one it had; Smalltalk.


Early in the morning of Friday, May 5th, 2000, we were starting yet another day of work at our office in the neighborhood of Olivos, north of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Priorities are different for everyone. In my case, it was catching up with the tech news of the day. For others, it was opening their e-mail.

My First PC

I got my first personal computer 30 years ago this month. It was during the summer of 1992; I had just finished my first year of studies at the Collège Sismondi, and it was the first summer after we arrived from Argentina that looked like a real holiday.


I started using Windows 11 recently. It’s changed a lot since the last time I used Windows professionally (those were the times of Windows XP, almost 20 years ago).

Technology Stacks

For the past 20 years there’s been this trend to give names to a particular set of operating system, programming language, database tech, and something else.

Creating Self-Signed Certificate in Windows

Follow these instructions to create a self-signed certificate in Windows.

Auto Incrementing UWP and .NET Version Numbers

Here’s a few tips and tricks to allow assemblies to auto-increment their version number upon build.

Useful C# Snippets

Some useful snippets collected during my work with C#, UWP, and .

Map Entire PostgreSQL DB Into EF Core

As the title says: dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Host=localhost;Database=tribo;Username=tribo;Password=;" Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL -o Models

Debugging Javascript in Webviews

Following this Stack Overflow answer do the following to debug JavaScript in your UWP web views.

The Developer Guide to Migrate Across Galaxies

This is the presentation I gave at the second App Builders Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, April 25th, 2017.

About Operating Systems, Abstractions and APIs

Charles Petzold, in its book “Code”, states the following: In theory, application programs are supposed to access the hardware of the computer only through the interfaces provided by the operating system.

The Old New Thing

Je viens de finir de lire The Old New Thing. L’auteur, Raymond Chen, a bosse dans l’equipe de developpement de Windows depuis 1995 (au moins) et il raconte les raisons de certaines decisions prises pendant le design de differentes versions de Windows, depuis 1985 jusqu’a Vista.

Browsers' Multiple Connection Settings

I’m not such a “power user” when it comes to web browsing, and having good connectivity both at home and at work helps forgetting about tweaking the maximum number of TCP connections in my web browser.

How to Install Ruby on Rails in Windows 2003

Great day; my first full Ruby on Rails application is up and running in production environment.