9 posts tagged "work"

WFH in 1998

The heated “Work from Home” debate of 2024 brought me back memories of my first programming job, when I joined a small “dotcom” startup in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, and for the first few months of my employment I quite literally worked from home… in 1998.

The Great Idea of Async Work

As I mentioned last week, I’ve been in this industry for exactly 25 years. I started my journey as a software developer on Monday, October 6th, 1997. I’ve had the opportunity of sitting down and writing code for a living for a quarter of a century!

Internet Explorer 4

The news recently splashed the demise, disappearance, and final “good riddance” of Internet Explorer. I remembered the first time I encountered the beast. In 1997, Internet Explorer 4.0 was soooooo good compared to anything else, it was hard to believe.

Efficient Meetings

In this post you will find a collection of interesting book quotes about meetings, and how to make them suck less.

We Are Family

Here is one of the most blatant lies I’ve heard in my professional career, and sadly, I’ve heard it at quite a few jobs: “We are a family”.

The Wrong Question

I once had a second interview for a job at a small software engineering company.

Memories of Centralized SCMs

It might sound incredible to younger developers out there, but there was a time when Git did not exist.

Radio Silence

I have had three episodes of burnout in my professional life, in three consecutive years.


Since August 2019 I took the duty of publishing a weekly series of blog posts called “VSHN․timer”.